WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION: During this workshop we will cover a variety of simple blooms in watercolor on the first day, and then explore Very Free Versals which have a wide variety of applications with calligraphic projects. She will demonstrate how to integrate the floral images with the Versals along with other text for finished pieces. Students can come with a chosen text, names or other words they would like to work on during the workshop.
Download brochure here.
WHEN: April 29-30, 2023 from 9am to 4pm both days
WHERE: Chapelwood Church • 11140 Greenbay St., Houston, TX 77024
Church Complex: Large parking lot in front of the Williams Bldg. Double Staircase to 2nd Floor • Williams - Room 201
COST: $125
Registration is on the HCG website under the “More” tab.
Register and Pay here.. You are not registered until you have paid and received an email confirmation from the Guild.
Optional: colored pencils, i.e. Prismacolor
NOTE: You do not need to have all these colors. You may bring your preferred colors.
WN Alizarin Crimson
WN Winsor Red Deep
Lukas Cad Red Deep Green
Daniel Smith Undersea Green
WN Quin Red WN Olive Green
Lucas Cad Red Light Lukas Sap Green
Lukas Gen Yellow Deep WN Green Gold
Daniel Smith Hansa Yellow Lukas Hooker’s Green
WN Naples Yellow WN Cerulean
Daniel Smith Opera Pink
Winsor Blue Green Shade
Daniel Smith Rose of Ultramarine WN Prussian Blue
Ultramarine Violet WN Indigo Blue
Lukas Burnt Umber Daniel Smith Payne’s Gray
Lukas Raw Umber
Lukas Sepia
White Gouache
- Watercolors - tube or pan.
- 1/2” Flat watercolor brush (optional - 3/4” or 1”) if you have them
- Small Round brush for painting - size #4 or #6
- Practice or Layout pad
- Watercolor paper you have on hand. Canson XL Watercolor paper works well. Hot or Cold Press, or paper that will handle watercolor
- NOTE: Canson XL Cold and Hot Press 140# paper is available at Amazon, Michael’s in various sizes - 9” x 12” is a good size
- 2 water containers, mister (optional to soften pan colors) and paper towels
- HB and 2H pencil, and fine-tipped waterproof black liner like a Mars Staedtler Pigment Liner (or similar pen) size 03 or 05 - Must be waterproof
- Note taking paper List of what Connie uses is below; you do not need to have all of the colors.
INSTRUCTOR: Raised on a farm in Southern Alberta, Connie’s love of nature and the vastness of the prairie is expressed in her work. Her mother was an accomplished artist, gardener and creative soul, and Connie grew up with the scent of turpentine as her mother painted long into the night after she and her three brothers were asleep. Those influences sent Connie in many artistic directions. She started teaching calligraphy and related arts in 1982. Connie travels across Canada and the US teaching for guilds, private studios and has been part of the faculty at several international lettering arts conferences. She continues sharing techniques with students, seeing the joy experienced as they discover their own artist within. Connie loves the written word and uses her own text in her work, expressing it through a variety of different mediums including watercolour, acrylic and mixed media. Her work has been published by art distribution companies and her originals have found many lovely new homes in Canada and the US. Currently, she lives in Lethbridge, Alberta Canada, just 45 minutes from the Rocky Mountains, with her husband Kevin (another creative soul).
QUESTIONS: Contact Lynn Ayres at [email protected]
2024 Houston Calligraphy Guild